Re: 16 year old dog- kidney problems / arthritis, recent medicine change - bad.
Hello there,
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I've got a few ideas, I'm just not sure which is best.
Have you tried
Colloidal Silver in the drinking water?
I also would think about zapping asap.
Maybe the dog has a
parasite in the brain, just brainstorming here?
Does the vet also suspect possible stroke?
Whichever way, I would definitely look into silver as a means of controlling
parasites and disinfecting the body as well as zapping. Apparently can bring a dog back to life.
Iodine too in the forum of
Lugols in the water is another idea.
I've also heard that ozone treatment is also ok with our furry friends. Use whatever is at your disposal of these that won't hurt the kidneys.
Others will have more information on this on these boards which option maybe be best for these circumstances.
Also, Louella May is good with animal questions and has expertise on silver. She may have some very good ideas if you'd like to contact her directly.
Best of luck.