Re: 16 year old dog- kidney problems / arthritis, recent medicine change - bad.
LuellaMay that was a lovely poem..very touching and reminded me of a loved pet from the past.
I just wanted to add for the future concerning seizures that doctor Christopher used the b and b formula with great success on epileptics.
Massage into the medulla (base of the spine) and upper cervicals. The dose for a 150 pound person is 6-10 drops in a little water or juice 3 times a day so use Clarke's rule I mentioned in my last post for dosing in pets. (Clark's rule)
to make the b and b tincture use organic herbs if at all possible (or wildcrafted)
the formula is one part of each of the following herbs:
black cohosh
blue cohosh
blue vervain
For debility/weakness or loss of strength, loss of vital strength or muscular power, Dr Christopher (the father of modern herbology/trainer of Dr schulze, originator of the incurables program) says this
"This is generally caused by a rundown body as a result of an improper diet. Do not overfeed since the body is already overworked and the heart is already overburdened. and organs are tired form trying to digest heavy foods.;
herbal aids: in some cases the whole digestion must be rebuilt. A speedy recovery may be had with juice therapy alone or slippery elm gruel. Other nutritional herbs are Irish moss or comfrey may be used successfully."
(side note--I always heard that ginseng was good for weakness and stamina)
(some of the highlighted herbs (more potent) among many for this condition are cayenne, cloves, comfrey, elecampane, gentian root, ginseng, golden seal, Iceland moss, poplar bark, Quaker button, rhubarb, Salem root, sorrel, star grass, raisins, tansy, tormentil, wafer ash, wake robin, white ash, white poplar and yarrow
well, hang in there Mark.