I can relate to your post. I have anger issues! And I throw things around! As the above posts mention - when you are parasite cleansing you load your body up with toxins from dying parasites. How are your BMS? I find most Bowel Cleanses contain psyllium and that makes me more bunged up than ever.
I did enemas for over six months. Nearly every other day. The difference was extraordinary. Anger and brain fog COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED! It made me realise what was the cause (for me). BUT I have broken away from them. I become enema dependent. I am underweight anyway but I got extra thin. I felt like I was losing nutrients but I can't believe this is really the case when all that is in the lower bowel is waste anyway? My hair started falling out... It is ok now. I might have to return to them as the moods return!
By the way, I had all mercury fillings removed in 2000 and it made NO difference to my health issues. I have healthy teeth though and I did notice the new fillings were less sensitive to cold etc. If money is an issue this may not have to be a priority.