Just wanted to let you know that it is very possible to make money on the internet which would enable you to afford the supplements you need and remove the amalgam. Check out http://www.warriorforum.com
a forum dedicated to making money online. (it's a free forum which contains a wealth of information, much like curezone) People are very helpful there and will be more than willing to help you get started. Now before you start thinking "scam alert", it is nothing of the sort. It doesn't even matter if you have no prior knowledge of the field of internet marketing. I urge you to consider looking into it, no you won't get "Bill Gates type rich" overnight, but even an extra $100-200 a month would help, right ? I wish you the best of luck on your journey towards reclaiming your health. And just to repeat, this won't cost you anything, it doesn't even require you to register in order to browse the forum.