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Re: Why so much anger while cleansing?
Suzee1 Views: 10,297
Published: 17 y
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Re: Why so much anger while cleansing?

>>Suzee1, I have a mouth FULL of amalgam.

Yeah I still have 5 too. Expensive to get them out I know. Depending on your age you might consider just extracting a couple rear ones if the molars have huge fillings. Just make sure the dentist removes the periodontal ligament too to avoid infection problems downline. I had a couple rear ones pulled, don't miss em a bit. If the Amalgam has been in there a long time there is probably decy between the teeth anyway so fixing them will probbaly cost a lot more than you want to try to save for and criowns et al aren't going to help your health either.

The diatomaceous earth is very inexpensive if you buy in bulk. I got 10 lbs for about 30 bucks including shipping and it helps whole bunches. I have used lots of chelation various methods and I like the DE best for just keeping me feeling smooth... I hate the anger issues, the trembly etc.. the headaches..the fatigue.. try the DE you can't beat the price and a 10 lb bag should last 18-24 months I would think.

Just google Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and shop around...


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