Re: failure story
I think a zapper is well worth it in my opinion and you only have to buy it once
as long as you make sure you get a good one. Batteries are needed though (9v usually). There are mains ones but I'm not sure about those. Foot pads are optional
The other things of course you have to keep buying except the Silver puppy
(I don't have one yet but am interested) and you need distilled water for that I believe.
Lugol's is not expensive really unless you take a lot as an oxidant. I just take it as a supplement for
Iodine and taking a lot with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement too isn't a good idea.
You do need vitamin C and I think natural is best if you can get it in some form
but you may benefit from more. I use ascorbate
The herbs like oregano oil and olive leaf extract I don't use myself they can maybe upset digestion as well sometimes but are useful
Antibiotic alternatives
Chyavanprash is a bit of a luxury but good if you can afford it and contains mostly
amla plus raw
Sugar and ghee so best get rid of all infection first but amla powder is very good(for C too) or triphala(to srengthen digestion)
MSM I doubt would help too much. I took it myself once and it seem to make my colitis worse if anything. I concluded that a good diet was the best source
(ie quality protein)