Re: failure story
Kelly I wouldn't be too discouraged. People who take
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement can still get respiratory infections and they are usually an external problem affecting the mucous membranes where it could be difficult for
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to get.
You clearly are particulary prone to these infections and it may take longer
strengthen your system so they affect you less
The other measures I mentioned should help were
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement can sometimes fall short. Asthma is not so easy to help and takes time I think a zapper would be of benefit here and qigong exercise to srenghthen the lungs.
Also take probiotics in some form when you have finished the
Amla is very high in natural vitamin C and is anti inflammatory so that is a good thing to use if you can get the powder and make tea with it. It is a good tonic and can be taken continuously on it's own or as part of triphala which you said you had before. Best get the powder though and use it that way.
Or you could get it in Chyavanprash which is a nice but expensive tonic preserve