Regarding the use of probiotics - and possible pitfalls/dangers...Re: Somebody tell/prove me...why CAN'T it be assimilated ANYwhere in the intestines? :Re: Yes & No (& maybe) "yeast food for thought" Re: Red Star Yeast T6635+B-12 not synthetic.
You might want to check out these posts & 'thought lines' from Andreas (a few excerpts from the threads below - *** mine):
>>>Although, I don't discount the possibility for some benefits from taking probiotic supplements, I have yet to see someone who actually improved or ***cured*** the digestive problems for which they are recommended. Taking probiotics, in my opionion, is more of a bandaid that may provide some temporary relief or support to the intestinal flora, ***but it doesn't realy address the core issues of the disturbed flora***.<<<
>>>The return to the normal pH of the GI tract, which requires a clean environment, will help restore the normal population of probiotic bacteria. Implanting or ingesting large amounts of probiotic bacteria in a filthy, acidified intestinal milieu will not improve the pH. Therefore, most of these probiotic bacteria will quickly perish, ***leaving billions of corpses behind***. A colon that is cleansed during a
colonic will have very few bacteria left. But the appendix will quickly breed new ones and within 48 hours have restored normal bacteria levels, unless the new foods passing through the intestines change that again. ***Nobody can really know the exact normal ratio***, as this depends on body type and diet.<<<
>>>The body, though, makes its own rules that seem to defy the logic of our thinking. Yes, there is a deeper intelligence at work that is unseen, yet influences everything. The life force that is driving the probiotic bacteria in our body is in profound harmony with the life force that runs the rest of the body. ***The balance between all parts of the body is extremely delicate. It's like walking on a razor's edge.*** This is particularly the case in the gastro-intestinal tract where the external world of matter and energy interacts with the internal world of matter and energy. *******The tiny micro-organsism are genererated within our gut are responsible for this essential symbiosis. You can easily tip over this balance by bringing into this environment unchecked amounts of foreign bacteria that carry a different frequency than the ones bred inside the body. They foreign probiotics can indeed undermine the body's ability to make its own population.*******
You may need to follow your own instincts on this, for I only make suggestions that are true for me.<<<<
>>>BTW...most probiotics on the market are not human strain bacteria...they're derived from livestock and won't implant.<<<
>>>This may be a reason why some are having better luck with sbo's, kefir, or lact-vegetables. Personally I thing adressing the biological terrains is the key. What is causing the dysbiosis...adress that..then things will balance. But then holistic approaches are not a quick fix and society loves quick fixes. *sigh*<<<
This approach makes a HUGE amount of sense to me (and it's proven to work well for us, for what that's worth). I also agree with a previous post about the use of "natural" killers, like MSM &
Colloidal Silver ...with a good echinacea product 'at the ready', there's really never a need to use "killers", as bolstering the immune system will take care of virtually any invading pathogen, without harming any of our natural flora.
I've always been particularly concerned with 'the balance' and ratios...ONLY our body knows what the right balance truly is (and what possible danger lurks in dumping in millions of alive -and dead- bacteria in TOTALLY the wrong ratio into our bodies). Nor do most people have the time (or knowledge) to learn just where these bacterias were cultured (and how) and/or if they're really 'natural' to our bodies at all.
Like Andreas said, as a 'bandaid' or a symptom reliever, perhaps one wants to 'go there' with probiotic supplements. But cleansing out the acidic/toxic gunk in our organs and ingesting only truly natural forms of bacteria from truly natural foods (fermented or otherwise), and allowing our body to do the balancing is the ONLY thing that makes sense to me.
:::lovin' every word of this thread, and learning lots!:::