Re: weight gain.
Thanks Andrew,
He fasted most of his patients about 3 weeks, as they were there about a month, and got them to have a bm before sending them home. Although he did fast some longer depending on why they were there.
He recommends that people of normal weight, to only fast about 2 weeks. Although he say fasts of 14-28 days are good for recovering from medical conditions. I'm about 10lb overweight, and would like to go at least 3 weeks.
He says fruit should neither be to ripe or to underripe. Otherwise can cause stomach cramps. And i've learnt why we need to be careful, digestive enzymes need to be built up again, as these were used and non existant on re-feeding. Stomach lining is also thin, hence no herbs or spices etc.
Now another thing worrying me, he was saying that although electrolytes were usually quite stable throughout a fast, they need to be checked. He said there was a guy in his clinic that was 2 weeks into his fast, and his electrolytes were getting to low and he stopped the fast, although this guy was annoyed about it, as he felt okay. He said 1 in 100 may get to low electrolytes and it can be dangerous
to carry on.
Now is there anyway of testing electrolytes yourself. He said sudden weakness was one sign.
Why i'm worried is my mother a couple of years ago was put on bp med, which was a durectic. She was told no salt, so she was taking no salt and taking these meds that were taking salt out her body. She got more and more depressed, and ending up in hospital with mental problems, and they found her body devoid of salt, which had caused minor strokes in brain. She is still not completely right. So obviously this scares me, as i've seen the affects.
I'm not happpy to go completely on raw diet at this stage. I would like to know if i can introduce grain during the refeeding period, such and rice or quinoa, and can i have bread, as i do plan an elimination diet, as i suspect wheat and dairy, so would only want to eat a small amount to test affect on me. Can i eat nuts, seeds during refeeding, say after the first week.