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Re: weight gain.
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Re: weight gain.

Chris 'n' Fonty,

I'm still abit confused about the refeeding business. I've just received another fasting book i ordered. 'Fasting and Eating for Health by Joel Fuhrman,M.D.'

I find this a strange combination an MD and fasting, lol, don't normally go together, usually pedalling drugs.

Anyway, he says the usual. Gradually increasing, small amounts etc for first 3 days and then by day 4 eating 3 normal sized meals a day, but doesn't specify length of fast. So if i did a 14 day fast for example, can i be eating 3 meals a day, by day 4, and thereafter, as long as maninly fruit and veg, and minimal protein, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, for the remainding time refeeding, and can i eat meat in this time, or not advisable. He says to avoid pepper and spices as can irritate fragile stomach during this time. I'm just confused as all the information talks about the first few days after a fast, but not that clear on the remaining refeeding time. I could do with a list of foods i can or can't eat during this time.

He also mentions witnessing some hypothyroid patients, having normal blood tests after fasting. So Shelton and Fuhrman both have now said this.

I also ordered a juice fasting book, and they say some are drawn to waterfasting and some just can't do it no matter what, and are more suited to juice, and you will know. I thought about this, and i think i am drawn to the waterfasting. I'm not sure that juice fasting can balance the endocrine system, as the water seems to do. But the juicing is good anyway, for everyday health.

Was going cold turkey with caffiene today, and accidently put real teabag in mug instead of decaff, so had one, but doing well, want to be off all caffiene by Monday.

I'm also not overweight, so don't want to get to skinny. Nadia seems to be going very slow with the refeeding, that is why when he said 3 normal meals by day 4, i wondered is that correct??


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