Re: weight gain.
Hi Fonty,
I think Shelton, when he referred to "Almost any food may be employed in breaking a fast..." was written at a time when processed foods were virtually unheard of, and before the Food Corporations had got their hands on dictating what we should be we can line their pockets for them.!!
You are quite right, these days, that could be a misleading comment, and some of Sheltons works could be updated and edited slightly to adapt more to contemporary thought.
One notable example here I suppose, is that of Dr John Harvey Kellogg, a notable health-reformer of his time with his famous Battle Creek Sanatorium. You only have to investigate how perverted his own food creations became in later years to understand this.
I wouldn't disagree with anything in the rest of your post, which is, as always, very informative and enlightening to us all.