Re: weight gain.
High water content food, such as fruit and veggies tend to be low calorie and therefore any weight gain can be mostly water.
If you are concerned about not being able to put healthy weight back on, I would suggest several things.
Firstly, eat more of the healthy fat & protein foods such as avocados: they are full of vitamins/minerals, essential fats, and are considered to be a good source of protein. Mexicans substitute avocados for meat as a healthy way of receiving their protein too. Bananas are good too. (not the ones in pyjamas).
Secondly, for some people (like me) it does take time to put weight back on post-fast, it depends on your powers of digestion and assimilation, not just the type of food you are eating. It can take a while for your body to kick-start a rested stomach, so patience can also be the name of the game here.
Thirdly, it also depends on your level of physical activity after your fast: do not expend more calories than you are taking in, which might seem to be a logical explanation.
Fourthly, in a sedentary occupation such as mine, I actually GAINED weight on ONE meal a day, as opposed to overtaxing the digestive apparatus with three meals a day, as is customary in the Western hemisphere.
I am not a farm-hand, expending thousands of calories a day by physically active work, so do not need to eat like one to replace that lost nutrition. If you do not expend those calories, they just do not need replacing.
Your appetite will return more and more, and as time progresses your desire for food will increase, listen to what your body is telling you. Also, if you try "gentle" rebounding as well, for just a few minutes each day, that will also help with your digestion and assimilation of foods to a remarkable degree and therefore help with your weight-gain. It is the ONLY "cellular" exercise in existence, and used by NASA to physically train their astronauts.
Shelton was also an advocate of various forms of exercise from mild to strenuous for improving the powers of digestion.