Re: Nutritional deficiencies are top priority
"The Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) doctors say that the immune systems of children with autism are as messed up as those who have AIDS."
Very true...and why it is essential to determine any deficencies and correct them! All
food allergies must be determined and not by hocus pocus testing, like keinesiology. Though, I believe there is some validity to this type of testing, it is not always reliable.
Bottom line---no matter how many
parasite concoctions your child takes, if the body is depleted and lacking the correct nutrients to function then the body will remain off balance and
parasites will continue to thrive.
Personally, I think very small amounts of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement used everyday would be more beneficial, much cheaper and far safer than any herbal
parasite cleanse. However, your child may be low or deficient in antioxidant reserves so be sure to provide an antioxidant rich vit/min supplement therapy taken away from the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement dose.
$$$ and issue...try this experiment:
Remove all treatments now taken and give a strong quality multi vit/min in am, Morningstar trace minerals on empty stomach and provide a diet that is free of wheat and gluten and give him 2 drops of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement at bedtime. See how that goes for 2-weeks, if stomach problems continue try removing cow milk products too...
Trial and error.