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Published: 17 y
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If I am understanding this entire thread correctly, this woman has done nothing except consistently express positive feelings for you. You, on the other hand, have vacillated considerably regarding, at the very least, how you treat her! And although you have wavered somewhat in your expressed feelings, you continually return to your original sentiment of liking her and wanting to get to know her better. You are, however, projecting a lot of your own painful emotions on her. She is not 'making' you feel angry, guilty, overwhelmed, out of control or insecure! These are all YOUR feelings, and she is not to blame for them! Take responsibility for the whirlwind that you, yourself, are creating! In your very first post in this thread, you asked a very important question:

"I just don't get it,what more do I possibly want??"

I would suggest that you figure out the answer to this question for yourself, and then proceed with her accordingly. And I invite you to treat her with more respect, kindness, openness, and gratitude! You are quite blessed to have someone who genuinely cares about you and likes you! And in hurting her, you are also hurting yourself!



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