Re: help please!!! frustrated with fiance'
I personally found that for anything to go successfully in a relationship, both people have to make a serious effort to do thier best to maintain it. Every situation has a different need... I also found that bringing negative emotions into any communication never turns out well. I mean I might not like whats happening, but I wont flip out and rage over it.... it just doesnt help. But if I express the way I feel, without bashing anyone... cause I dont want anyone to take it personal. IE "I would really like to spend more time as a family, I feel like we dont do it enough, and when we do... I find it really rewarding." Find ways to comprimise is huge. And I mean I wouldnt want to be around you either if your always angry and mad... that would suck. But if you keep on giving and giving and giving... and are at your wits end, then you might need to take a break. And be sure to communicate, not with anger either... cause that just brings about newtons law "every applied force has an equal opposite force applied back"
Try to find ways to give to him... I am not saying be fake, but truly try to do things that would make you both happy. Set the example, and watch him follow. I mean love is such a powerful and easy feeling... it shouldnt be hard to bring into the relationship. Everything has a natural intuition about it, follow that... take a deep breath and follow that intuition...
As for spanking... it depends on how the child is normally. You have to deal with them at thier level... so if the child is being violent and not listening... then a spank might be good. But I mean if the kid spills thier milk by accident, a spanking is the worst thing you can do. I think everyone here has a traumatic child hood memory of thier parents flipping out at them for a mistake they made. Every situation is different.