A lot of people "agree" with you and you obviously have a loyal
following. Yet you still haven't posted any results of your suggestions
regarding cancer.
You broke into an Essiac thread and said "Don't use Essiac Alone" -
you are telling people what to do - someone who has chosen to use Essiac.
Now Essiac has been documented to cure cancer yet you somehow you don't feel
that it is adequate (nothing works for everyone) but fail to show results in
cancer from your suggestions. Actually I'm very open to any alternative
cancer therapy that has worked. I'll accept any personal testimonial (such
as Canadian Yoda's on curezone), or any medically verified cure. That
means diagnosed before and after. I love those kinds of cures -
particularly the ones that drive the doctors batty.
If jumping into other people lives and business is what you have dedicated
you life to, then that's what you are doing. For all the wonderful
information that you have about alternative therapies, you sure tried in vain to
get into my head - literally. If what you have is so great you don't need
what's in my head - so back off. Those who try to control everyone else
are not in control of their own reality.
If you have hard drive and PC problems - I'd love to help. I've done a
lot of work in that area.