Re: Don't use Essaic alone for cancer
"However, in my opinion Pau de Arco is more of an immune booster than
actual cancer fighter and I have had people who used Pau de Arco and Essaic and
other herbals unsuccessfully against cancer......"
Then how do you explain Canadian Yoda's late stage multi-organ terminal
cancer cure reported here on curezone using nothing but Essiac, Pau d'arco, and
juicing? There are loads reports of people cured with Essiac only -
in "Essiac, A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy" - "Essiac, The Secrets
of Rene Caisse's Herbal Pharmacy" and others as well as web
testimonials. When you can line up stories and testimonials of other cures
along side of these things, then I'll listen, but my first line of defense is
Essiac and possibly Pau d'arco. (I brew and use both of them.) From
there I'd try the Budwig Diet (her original, not those that promote Budwig and
then do something else) or even Gerson. (A great read is "Living
Proof - A Medical Mutiny" by Michael Gearin-Tosh who cured his terminal,
six months to live, bone marrow cancer with such things as Gerson and learning
to breathe through is toes.)
I'll take proven case studies and personal experiences over things that
people "say" that works.
Ultimately, you heal yourself. You as spirit are the greatest healer of
your reality on the planet.