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OFF TOPIC, again
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OFF TOPIC, again

I posted that I was walking away from this thread, but after I read your above reply, I was compelled to make a few final comments. Popoe, I am certain that you are well-meaning in your psychoanalysis of Molly Bloom and other Survivors (including their choices of ID's), but your last post made not one shred of sense, literally.

The only thing that I could glean from your last post was that you equated getting into someone's face as abuse. Sometimes it is, and sometimes, it isn't. What determines whether it is abusive or not is the intention BEHIND the action - was it meant to harm, control, dehumanize, objectify, humiliate, degrade?

If a child jerks out of the grip of their parent, runs into traffic, and is spared injury (or, death) by the Grace of God, is it "abusive" for the parent to get into that child's face and rant and rave about the dangers of such actions? Of course not! And, to suggest that such a reaction IS abusive is ridiculous and self-serving. The same holds true when a counselor/therapist JUDICIOUSLY applies some tough, aggressive counseling techniques - it is for the BENEFIT of HEALING that it is done, NOT for a quick power-rush, I assure you. It takes the dedicated counselor/therapist to actually REQUIRE that their client do the thinking and hard work to find their path of healing. Otherwise, they're no better than the convenience store clerk that accepts money in exchange for junk food without so much as a "Have a nice day."

In a perfect world, there would be quiet, peaceful, serene beings wandering around the globe in COMPLETE HARMONY without experiencing anger, malice, hatred, greed, avarice, lust, gluttony, disease, disdain, and deliberate abuse to man, animals, and Nature. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world in our imperfect humanity and there's no such thing as Utopia or Santa Clause, I'm sorry to say.

Our emotional and physical scars have helped to form each and every one of us into who we are and where we are choosing to go down our Life's Paths. Feeling the ridge of those scars is OKAY - it's alright, it's normal, it's fine, and it can be quite productive when lending a hand to those who are reacing out and still bleeding from their own wounds. Attempting your brand of armchair psychology by shoving a Survivor's face in their scars is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE and is rooted (at some point, at some level) in malice, whether it's rooted in the depths of Self or disdain of others.

I am definitely walking away from this and I won't attempt to further educate you on your use (abuse?) of the Support Forums to practice your brand of armchair psychology.

As always, best wishes!


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