18 y
Re: Feeling sad EDITED
"A chaste woman would never attempt murder."
Chastity was invented by man as a means of control of the masses. Just because a person is practicing chastity does not preclude them to a closeness to God that the "unchaste" aren't privileged to. I have known more people than not who claimed to be "Good Christians" or "Good Muslims" or "Good Buddhists" or "Good (fill in the blank)" to be some of the most abusive, narcissistic, evil, self-serving, and dangerous human beings I've ever met. There isn't a religion on Earth that hasn't been warped, twisted, and manipulated BY human beings to be used as a method of control OVER human beings. History is full of religious perversions since mankind first scratched sacred images into cave walls, it has always been about fear and control: i.e., I have the direct link to our current god; you may sit at my feet and learn the instructions and rules in order to gain approval from that god, even if it means a human sacrifice each week.
I am also curious as to why you would enable murderous human beings in their quest to inflict harm by willingly accepting the blame for THEIR actions - this is not what Jesus taught, what God has commanded, or what typical religious doctrines teach. And, if you have documented evidence, why haven't criminal charges been filed by the District Attorney? In all 50 States, such actions are legally termed, "Attempted Murder" and carry substantial consequences. Civil Law is a completely different set of legal rules, but your case should be on the docket in a criminal court, I should think.
Awesomemachine, it is very sad that you suffered such a horrible experience and I hope that your path to healing will bring peace, light, and comfort to your soul and JUSTICE to the perpetrators.