Could there possibly be a relationship...
Could there possibly a relationship between the SIZE of the large intestine and the speed of the passage of stool through it?
Because a few days ago I had the largest evacuation of my life, and not again yet...nothing. Although I certainly feel 'ready'.
A bit ago, the thought crossed my mind that it is as though the large intestine must 'fill up' once more before movement can happen.
I could go into endless detail about what I am doing, including that, while typing, I had a bathroom visit, just now.
But...I'd like to keep to just the question of size, including the fact that my abdomen is large, and my midriff...and has been so for decades. I weigh 215 - 220 pounds, steadily, for years...though I used to be able to lose weight.
All the bowel-moving things I have tried seem to lose the immediacy (is that a word?) of their effectiveness as time goes along. That would make sense, I think, if the large intestine were waiting to be completely full, before moving.
Then, I'd guess that one would need some kind of 'toning' or 'retraining' of the bowel muscles and bathroom habits.
Is it casscara that has some 'toning' characteristics?
I'll be starting on Hu-Mana-Tea, soon. I have high expectations of that.
Thanks for reading, even if you have nothing to add.