I'm sorry you had to go through all that hell :( I am no expert and I am sure others here will help you as they are wonderful and knowledgable, but all I will tell you is that as far as I know, Diflucan can only do so much before the Candida begins resisting it. You are in a much more advanced stage now. Diflucan can only attack Candida in its initial stages, after which the Candida actually becomes resistant and stronger than the Diflucan.
As I said, I am not a pro but I would suggest that you do some more reading on here and gather info about doing a Candida cleanse (or perhaps see a naturopath who can assess your situation and put you on a cleanse). By the looks of it, you are way past the Diflucan stage. But Candida CAN be cured. You just need to find the right weapon!