17 y
Re: How do YOU do EFT?
Thankyou Invincible,
I get so confused with EFT sometimes on 'how i should be doing it' Rightly or wrongly I convince myself there is only 1 correct way to do it and I'm trying to find it.
When i say the words, the words tend to jump out at me, instead of the emotion, so maybe this is where I am going wrong.
I have had some great results with EFT, but they were mainly in the early stages, recently i can't seem to get the same results, or something will often reduce in SUDS but then soon after it is back up to the same intensity.
Thats why i felt the need to ask 'how others were doing it' There isn't many people online to discuss this with, or I haven't found many, so it's difficult.
Gary craig teaches what to say, and where to tap, but I was interested in what was going through peoples heads when they were doing it. What where they focusing on, or where they focusing on nothing and just saying the words.
Thanks for the information. I have sometimes 'imagined' tapping on myself and it has worked for me.
I have heard about this emotrance (and also z-point), i will have to look into it when I get chance.