I am surprised to find you so judgmental. I am ok with where I am spiritually at this time of my life, and I am not in a hurry to find a man, in church or out. I also tithe, and have tithed for years, as well as give offerings. I pray and read the Bible. As far as exhortation, I consider myself quite an encourager, as my friends, family and members of Curezone could tell you.
I do not have the same opinion of Christian TV that you do. I find a wide variety; TBN is the station here in my area, and it is 24/7. I certainly get more church than if I attended a church and did not watch that station. God is a God of timing, and I am sure he will find the right church for me if and when the time is right.
I do, however, appreciate your suggestions, and your prayers. Thank you very much.