Re: Liberal or capitalist - control by the few over the many is the same
why is Ron Paul the least favorite candidate of the capitalists and a growing favorite among ordinary citizens?
You are being tricked - you are being distracted by yet another hero to be led by so you will not ever be truly effective.
I'm no liberal and I am not interested in following any of these complicit, frightened pols.
Not the media hacks like Limbaugh and Savage, Carlson, Coulter, Malkin, Dobbs, O'Reilly and all the other hate machine mephistos who have been shouting lies into the ears of the American populous since the 70's either. Don't make assumptions about someone because they disagree with your latest hero. You don't know anything about me. You should maybe turn off the tv - better yet throw it away and go to the library. - Oh that's right - librarys are socialist things run by the government and we all know that collectively owned and run things don't work so you better stay away from it as well as the post office and whatever roads and public transport and bridges and public schools there are left. Of course the public schools suck now since they have been defunded. Just defund things and then when a disaster strikes like Katrina claim that the gov't. agency set up to help the citizen in trouble didn't work. And don't go anywhere near the National Parks either lest you be infected with socialism. And then when you turn 65 you had better not take any of that nasty assed medicare.
This Government is SUPPOSED TO BE US! We have allowed it to be stolen while we slept and shopped in a petroleum induced trance.
Also - I know you are not aware of this, but China has not ever been a communist or socialist country and the Soviet Union wasn't either. Not that I am in favor of communism either they are all Hierarchies just like this country. Ideologies never work. And Hierarchical hierarchies are the worst.