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Re: they will not listen to you
I agree with you Raynbo, but you are not going to get anywhere here trying to point these things out. I don't think that many people here share our point of view. A lot of the people on curezone are very right wing.
There is very little critical thinking going on. They are into individual rights no matter what. They have drunk the cool aid and they cannot possibly understand what you and the author who wrote the piece are saying because they are right wing libertarians. People who listen to KPFA tend to be more left wing anarchists like Noam Chomsky. Chomsky is far too complex for the right - most of them would not be able to read his books. They like things simple and clear. Ron Paul presents them with some simple ideas and makes the promise that he will eliminate federal income tax and the fedaral reserve - they love that! They don't understand what the privitization of everything would mean. They don't realize that deregualtion and privitization are what has gotten us into the mess we are in now and the reason why we are being held hostage by the corporate world and the people who run it.
I agree with Paul on a few issues and I applaud him for being against the war and for the freedom to choose the kind of health care that you want. Other than that all of the other issues the author mentions are right on. It is not an effort to discredit him - it is simply where he stands and where he stands is where many americans stand. Most people have either not looked deeply into his right wing ideology or they actually agree with it. Alot of it comes down to us from the John Birch Society of the 50's and the Lyndon La Rouche crowd. It's too bad that this kind of xenophobic point of view is so prevelent but it is.
Even Tucker Carlson when he was on the Bill Maher show pointed out that most people don't have a clue about who Paul really is. Carlson likes the guy but he said that the Bill Maher audience would not like him if they looked beneath the surface. He was right too. I can't stand Carlson, but his statement was spot on.
After all Dannis Kucinich isagainst the war too and I like his values system a whole lot more than Pauls. Ask yourself why these people don't support him?
Remember Raynbo, most Americans have been conditioned and indoctinated to believe that free market capitalism is a great thing and they have never ever questioned it - they don't even understand your objection to it. They have always taken concepts like capitalism and private property for granted. They think that democracy = capitalism when in reality capitalism despises democracy. Capitalism always seeks to demolish democracy.
I wouldn't waste my time on this issue - I have tried and I have just decided to agree to disagree. I present an intelligent argument and the kind if rebuttal I always get is similar to what is stated here. No real well thought out critcal thought. Look at the responses you got. Is ther even one issue discussed other than the accusation that poor R. Paul is being defamed and they are trying to bring him down? What about a real argument? Not there.
I agree with most of the people on curezone about health issues - as far as politics - I don't even go there most of the time - I have tried believe me and you are simply not going to get through.
Thanks for trying though Raynbo....