18 y
Re: Liberal ARE capitalists - so are so called conservatives
most Americans are all for it but they don't understand what it means at all.
I'm sorry but you do not even get what I am talking about which is why I am advising Raynbo to give it up. It's hopeless. You even think that I am a liberal. Liberals are also capitalists and in case you don't know, banking is what capitalism is all about. It is about keeping you powerless. Keeping the means of production out of the people hands and forcing them to do all the work and now they are lowering wages and raising costs. Yes the federal reserve IS private. That is the point.
I am not for the federal reserve but since you are all in favor of free market capitalism I am glad it exists because capitalism is so volatile that without something to control it it would have blown up long ago and we would already be on the breadline.
Capitalism MUST grow or it dies. It's continued growth will destroy us. Ron Paul is a market capitalist. He thinks the magic market will solve everything. So did Ronald Reagan and all the NEO CONS. This is the issue that never gets addressed. He would not be able to keep his promises but he would be able to continue the privitization of the whole wide world.....and the deregulation. They have even privitized your vote and now we have voting machines in the control of dominionist owned companies like Diebold which does not have to make their code transparent (because of deregulation and corporate personhood) and so we are stuck with their nasty little phoney elections. That is privitization. Corporations would continue to rule the world. You people think that individual rights are the most important thing. I believe that a dead planet can not support anyone's rights. Your right to make as much money as you like and to hell with everything else. The environment can just collapse. Community is what is important. Without realizing that we are all interdependent we will die. We are all related and when you deny that you deny your soul.
You are happy to ignore his xenophobia and his homophobia and his misogyny because you think he is going to make it so you do not have to pay federal income taxes and will not have to have any rules to follow that would keep you from making all the money you desire. I would rather see people taking back control of what is done with their taxes rather than griping that they have to pay them. In any community everyone has to chip in so we can have a good life for everyone. Right now our taxes are being ripped off and are going directly into the pockets of the very wealthy and the corporations that the very wealthy control.
Do you not realize that we are literally on the edge of collapse? Neither Ron Paul, Dannis Kucinich or any of the politicians can save us - We are going to have to save ourselves.
Nancy Pelosi has finally agreed that impeachment needs to be back on the table. That is because she received over 10,000 handwritten letters. We need to take things into our own hands before it is too late and stop being distracted by our own greed and anger. This whole game is falling apart and we need to learn how to live a whole different way. Blaming the victim is not going to get you anywhere. Blaming powerless people like desperate immigrants and welfare mothers for all our problems because we are too lazy to think things through is not the way to "freedom"
I'm sorry there is so much divisiveness here. Too bad Raynbo can't be heard without everyone ganging up on him - or her - or whatever.
You should only have the intellect of a Noam Chompsky or a Howard Zinn or a Barbara Ehrenrich. But not all of us are there. However, even a ten yoear old with a little explanation can see the folly of all this.
I suggest 2 things to all of you. Check out the Pachamama organization and watch the new Lewis Latham movie "The American Ruling Class" I could make countless other suggestions but I won't. It's at least a start.
I'm outa here....