The problem is I am not seeing many signs of Candida passing if it is in fact Candida. But I am not passing very often, and need a herbal laxative to get me to pass very little anyways. I know my tongue and symptoms say Candida.
Bloating? Not really. Just bad reactions like I explained.
But let me say this - if I have a piece of cheese, I can't breathe through my nose, and the panic attacks and other symptoms are fierce too. I strongly believe I have a problem with preservatives too, now that I'm thinking about it. As anything high in the sodium is usually preserved.
Cooking with raw foods has relieved all the reactions this much I know. Even adding in natural salt has been OK.
But the question is - what am I chasing, like you said. All those tests would be awesome, I just don't know where I would go in Canada to get them done. Me and doctors are DONE.