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Re: great warning!
MH 108 Views: 11,928
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Re: great warning!

People are not told they are about 80% parasite and that they are basically ill because the parasite ratio is out of balance and allowing the waste to accumulate.

Drugs, dental, metals and just about all non-human foods kill the good bacteria and allow the oxygen to be lowered and let the low oxygen bad bacteria (Candida) take over. Drinking bacteria grown on grains is like sending an army of special forces in to search and kill and let God sort the bodies out in the morning type of thing!

You only expell the diseases that were living in you already and this can put you in bed for a week or 2. I tried a method of Clark's once and I didn't get out of bed for 3 days and missed work! You self-experiment and you get into all kinds of experiences that can even kill you. Expelling toxins too fast can kill, the cells will clog and go acid. That is why the Lower Bowel Balance type herbal formulas are always used first and the hot bath used as needed to sweat it out and lower the load.

I made up allot of jars of rejuvalak mixture when I forst tried it and put it away, I felt it would be too dangerous for the average person. There are too many that do not respect such methods and believe more is better and can hurt them selves or others.

There are methods to get this bacteria past the stomach acid and much information on the web.

Another thing similar to this is Vinegar Mother. Some people love this, while others it can kill. I have thrown away huge thick vinegar Mother before. I have read books on it and it still scared me just a little too much to eat it.

We are GERM, water, clay, spirit and all need to keep their balance.



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