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Image Embedded no alcohol, right?
  Views: 11,729
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 103,250

no alcohol, right?

last nite— before you responded — i decided to start a batch with the store-bought, "2-whole-apples-per -8 oz." 1/2 gallon jug i'd bought. i went with 1 tablespoon in a pint of juice, shook it up in a mason jar, and put it back in the fridge. if i'd waited, i could have just put the tablespoon in the whole jug!

so my concentration will be more like the old doc's formula of 4 (i.e., 3-5) for a 1/2 gallon or 1 tablespoon in a pint.

i'll see if it's too powerful. i love brewer's yeast just straight, but this is going to be something quite different, i assume.

and i assume it won't get alcoholic — or you would have mentioned it.

didn't have maple syrup around so i skipped it. the juice is much too sweet for me so i'll probably water it down, 1:3, before i have it. that way, it will end up the same ratio of yeast to liquid as your recipe of 1 tablespoon per 1/2 gallon.

thank you!
no reply needed. i'll post again in a couple days after i've tried it.


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