i'd never heard of it. strange — especially since "back then", i went a couple times to the famous, free 'sunday sprout dinner' at ann wigmore place in boston when i was schooling there. i think i'll make some — though i read a warning about her followers: "many developed over- acidity due to excess consumption of the "rejuvilac" and other live sour foods." i have wheat berries so i'll try making it.
my yeast apple mix is a touch fizzy — i mean, there's a little pop when i unscrew the top once in twenty four hours and i can taste a bit of fermentation — nothing much.
about this 'wound': it's completely closed up, mh — with the help of cayenne extract immediately, icing it for an hour, and oregano oil back — when it happened, but now it's a little puffy and 'tight' — though, honestly, i think the bf&c overnight took most of the puffiness away. i think there's a bit of infection in there. probably i didn't let the cayenne — which, god knows, hurt so much i thought i'd die — get the full quarter inch to the bottom of the stab. i just couldn't bear at the time to absolutely 'go for it' and open the palm full-out. the sun closed it up a few days after it happened but it's still has some mending.
i'll keep up with the tooth powder or bf&c (— which? —) poultices overnights. it's smack in the middle of the palm so days aren't convenient.
be well and thanks.