stalking the wild yeast
" of intestines covered in little white burn marks/scars...cure those ulcers and there is little to no hunger."
after posting my last, i remembered the information you keep hammering on that what we call hunger pangs is the pain of exposed stomach ulcers. i reviewed the pics in the 108. i hadn't realized that all those little white marks were scars. awesome.
well, my 'red star' apple juice seems to be a little funky. or, i think it is. i'll leave it another day.
your eldest might like to 'stalk' some wild yeast for you to try in the noncloroxed cider. there are simple, clear directions at — which start out ...
"As an alternative to purchasing yeast cultures, you can capture a wild yeast right in your own backyard. You may discover a delicious and wonderful sourdough unknown to the world! You may also discover a bland or distasteful one. Either way, give this a try because it is fun and will add a little adventure to your baking. To capture wild yeast, place one cup of bread flour and one cup of water in a glass jar. Cover the jar with a fine mesh (a "knee-hi" stocking works well) to let air in but keep bugs out. Place the jar outside where it can receive some fresh air and some breezes. Let it set for three or four days."
... and it goes on.
i'm trying an overnight experiment: my 'stab-in-the-palm' wound (mentioned weeks ago) is a still a little puffy and sensitive so it's not really all healed. last nite i made a mini-poultice of the tooth powder — because comfrey's listed as the first ingredient — with some miracle ii neutralizer. that seemed to make a difference. tonight i'm opening a bf&c cap to dump on it and adding a drop of pure oo and necessary olive oil as a poultice.
would the fda like 'the green man's elixir' or 'potion' better? they'd love, 'panacea'.