Sorry to hear of your suffering. I used to have a hiatal severe!! Caused me much pain and I would throw up strange things like slimey plasm remember the movie ghostbusters where they would leave "ectoplasm" it was just like that it would be an explosive bubble and then just dissappear.
Anyway Acupuncture and Herbs can CURE it for some poeple but then it may come back for some people. I found that you must cleanse parasites I truely believe it is parasite related. You can also do a small adjustment on yourself amd push it back in.
Also in your area look for a person who does TBM (total body modification) IF the Acupuncture does not work.BUT Give it a good try and take the herbs it will take at least 6 or 7 weeks to see if it really works!!
PS Acu and herbs cleared mine up it came back and I cleansed parasites and it has not occurred in over 2 years.