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Re: I will have to make a decision soon

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Re: I will have to make a decision soon

Dear Hiatal,

I am new to Curezone, however, when I read your post, much of it sounded as though I had written it myself.

I called the insurance company the other day to find out about some payments due to the doctor. They told me that the doctor diagnosed me with Diverticulosis, which was news to me... which prompted my research today.

I am 47 and would consider myself pretty healthy my whole life. I've never been terribly overweight, although over the past several years, I've gained more weight than I'd like (comes with age, I guess). I do exercise, but not as much as I did 8-10 months ago, which was every morning for an hour. Now, I am lucky to get in an hour in the morning 2-3 days per week.

A little history... For several years I've had pain in my lower left abdomin. I had tests done 15 or so years ago and that doctor said I had spastic colon. He prescribed Levsin which seemed to help. It wasn't a medicine that I took every day, so it lasted a long time. I didn't go back to him for a second refill. The pain has continued through the years and is sometimes worse than others. It is a dull pain on the left side of my abdomin and can flare up at any time.

Beginning about January this year (2008), I started throwing up my food shortly after I ate - every time I ate. I wasn't forcing myself, or wanting it to happen, it just did. I have not lost weight at all, so there is no benefit there (lol). It was like the food was caught in the esophagus. The food that came back up was undigested and not acidic at all, and it continued for a couple of hours after I ate. It was pretty annoying and, I might add, pretty gross. I even got to a point that I had to keep a covered cup by my desk because it would start about 5-10 minutes after I ate and every few minutes thereafter for about 1-1/2 to 2 hours; I couldn't go to the bathroom everytime I had to throw up. It was really annoying when I was at home watching TV with my family and I'd have to run to the bathroom every couple of minutes.

I went to the doctor and had both a lower and upper. He prescribed acid reflux meds (Protonix, etc.) for me to try as well as Reglin(sp?). While this seems to sometimes help with the throwing up in the mornings, it doesn't help at all in the evenings after dinner. The nurse told me to take one Protonix in the AM and another in the evening and see if it helps, but there is no change. I am still throwing up a good portion of my meals in the evenings. I've tried different foods and different amounts of foods. Foods that never bothered me before are coming back up.

I don't understand what is going on. I've never had digestive problems to my knowledge. My diet isn't anything to "brag" about, but it isn't particularly bad either. The only symptom I have other than the pain and bloating is throwing up undigested food. Before I saw your posting, I haven't seen anyone else with that symptom (which isn't listed in the symptoms for Diverticulosis as far as I can tell).

I am very confused and very annoyed and really just want to have a solution to this. I flushed before and used the daily management pills, but even with half the recommended dosage, my stomach gurgled all the time. I went back to my original doctor about the cramping and gurgling and he said that it was because of the pills, so I stopped taking them. He told me that if I maintain a pretty good diet that I shouldn't need all that anyway.

The only Diverticulosis symptom I think I have is the bloating and pain, for which I'm going to ask the doctor for another prescription for Levsin (which is listed as one of the meds to help with those symptoms).

I don't have any suggestions or answers for you... just wanted to let you know that someone else has similar symptoms as you.



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