I've had that 48 hour break from the Iodine, and went back today starting with 3 drops of Lugols. I was taking 8 drops before the break.
I just took 3 tablets of V-C each are 500 mgs. and it was so tasty I took another 2..and I could take more..so I must really need the V-C. I'll wait and see if I want more in an hour or so.
I eat a lot of fresh fruits during a day usually..but I've only been having smoothies lately, with only a couple fruits. Tomorrow I'm going to pick fresh concord grapes and green grapes from a very large vine that is covered with ripe fruit! I'm gonna gorge on'em..hmmm..yummy! I hope they are as tasty as my neighbors were.
I should find out more about that grape cure book and protocol, it sounds interesting.