Re: Wow!
Of course when many people gather to worship, it should be an organized meeting (not chaotic/unruly), and if not held in a person's house, it will be held in an institution, but the beliefs should not be exclusive to that institution or "organization". Organizational/institutional beliefs are not always Godly (by definition, they are congregational/local, realistically, fellowship cohesion is necessary), but of course, neither are they necessarily ungodly. The danger is that many of those beliefs encourage each person's devotion/relationship to be identical, not PERSONAL.
Many believers get SO INVOLVED with serving one another and seeking each other's approval that their "personal" relationship/devotion becomes "identical" and almost like an afterthought (this is very subtle and unintentional).
Hebrews 6:10, "For God is not so unjust as to overlook your work AND the LOVE you showed for His sake in serving the SAINTS...".
LOVE for each other (saints/brethren) is very holy, but all too often the "first principles of God", Hebrews 5:12, are forgotten and partiality is shown to unbelievers.