Re: Christians but...
Hi Dlaertios, you are so right to ask about "fruits". Too many people get hung up in the "no judgement" thing and forget all about the fruits. We may not be able to rightly judge a person's heart, but the Word tells us that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. There is a big difference between judging and judgement. The first one is easy, simply because we can see the fruit coming out of something (a fountain can not have sweet and bitter water at the same time), but we do not have the right to dispense judgement, we do not have that authority, only God does.
On the other hand, Jesus did say that "these works I do, you shall perform even greater works than these". Jesus went around healing all that were sick and oppressed of the enemy, and today there are certainly those that put His words to action in His name, and do those very same things. I have witnessed in myself and in others countless times. I have read stories of missionaries in very poor countries were God multiplied the food for the poor people in attendance.
As far as the easter candles in Jerusalem, I don't know what that is.....sorry :-(