Re: Feeling of Sadness
HI been there done that
<"f you can forget for a moment about your "Scientific Method", you might be able to understand what THE REASON for most
Depression is. It is that so many people in the world insist on "intellectualism" and a "Scientific Method" and "their hearts are made of stone" that they don't even LISTEN (or read) what the person is saying. When you perform this little bit of detective work (listening because you ADDRESS THE PERSON AS A HUMAN BEING), you not only show respect to all of humanity (and the people that you condescendingly feel have a "disease"), but you also gain wisdom instead of saying that a person will feel sad..."for NO APPARENT REASON".">
I am afraid you have a poor understanding of what scientific method is all about. Scientific method was developed BECAUSE scientists were listening to the suffering by people. Most scientists are not insensitive people as you imagine them to be. Listening to people is easy, but solving their problems is not that simple. You say the reason for this person's
Depression is that he/she believed "some people's heart are made of stone". Do you honestly believe that by trying to convince this person that "most people's heart are not made of stone", that you are going to resolve the person's problem?
I think it may be the case that you are not listening to the message that NOT ALL MOOD DISORDERS ARE IN THE MIND. Some if not most are due to a some underlying metabolic disorders that can be treated without recourse to drugs or even "talk therapy".
Psycho-nutritional therapy is somewhat more holistic than the "I'S ALL IN THE MIND PHILOSOPHY as it includes not only the mind, but the body as well.
Principles of Psychonutritional Therapy at:
Jurriaan Plesman BA (Psych) Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr
Editor of
The Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia.
Author of "Getting off the Hook"
Freely available at Google Book Search