18 y
I think the disagreement that hypoglcemia or any malfunction of the body can be THE cause of
Depression is that some
Depression is emotional/psychological (low self-esteem, stress, philosophical conscientious disappointment in society, etc.) or a mineral/enzyme/nutrient deficiency.
The world today can be very disappointing for someone with high morals and a good character. Very often, people will smile in your face and shake your hand, but when their
Cell Phone rings, they'll dump you in a second (yet still CALL you friend). Many people will show a friendly, moral PERSONALITY and pretend to have the integrity of "friend", but really do not have a noble nature. Not everyone will be disappointed and become depressed by this (this would be emotional/philosophical depression) and cannot be addressed with medication/supplements ("professionals" don't care, they'll throw drugs at it and keep you as "money in the bank").
There is SOME
Depression that is caused by nutrient deficiency/imbalance, but most is probably emotional/philosophical disappointment in everyday life/society ("friends"/aquaintances, etc.).
NEVER belittle TALK THERAPY, that kind of attitude is what causes most depression (Intelligentsia be damned).