When one type of medicine states that they can’t cure a type of disease, look at a different type of medicine. In the case of cancer we on this forum know that the type of medicine for cancer is alternative medicine.
Why worry about pancreatic cancer when alternative cancer treatments seem to work on all types of cancer if they work on you. It seems to have more to due with your body chemistry not the type or stage of your cancer. Unfortunately, there are many alternative treatments and none of them work on everybody. The best alternative treatments only work on about half of the people who use them correctly. Different treatments work on different people. I made a informal study of one of the best, Cancell (now Cantron or Protocel brands). The benefit of such a study over a group of testimonials is that it allows a real success rate to be estimated. Any alternative cancer treatment with even a 10% success rate can generate impressive testimonials if only the successes are presented. You can read the results of that study here:
Cancer Proofing
Although both Cantron and Protocel have the same ingredients and can be used for cancer proofing, the Cantron manufacturer refunds your money even if you use the majority of the bottle and Protocel will not refund your money if the bottle is open. Therefore, "Cantron" is used below even though using Protocel might work also.
Cancer proofing is finding a cancer treatment that will work for you before you get cancer. Besides the obvious advantage that you will be more likely to take the safe, side-effect-free alternative treatment, also your fear when you receive your diagnosis will be greatly reduced.
Cantron does one thing to cells, it reduces ATP energy, but it only does this to half the people that try it. Cancer cells can not get energy (feed) when the ATP energy is reduced and neither can viruses. To cancer proof simply find out if Cantron will work for you if you get a virus (cold or flu). The only problem is that taking Cantron is tricky, the schedule is strict and there are many things you need to avoid. To learn all the protocols for taking Cantron go to:
Paul Winter
"The best alternative treatments only work on about half of the people who use them correctly"
Doctor H. Z. Ozell has had a success rate of over 70% against cancer using the oleander extract he later patented as Anvirzel for over 40 years in his native Turkey - all the more amazing since he has the same kind of medical restrictions we have in the US and is only able to use it as a CAM medicine along with traditional chemo, radiation and/or surgery or else only after those barbaric methods have been tried and failed.
In South Africa people have been taking the oleander based supplement Sutherlandia OPC for over five years now for a broad range of cancers including late stage ones and well over 90% of them are still alive - in fact, the only ones not still alive are a handful that were either in their final days or those who succumbed to liver failure as a result of prior chemo.
In the Yahoo health group I have hosted for over five years, Oleandersoup, we now have over 1100 members. Certainly not all of them have cancer, nor do all of them take oleander. However, in all that time I am only aware of three people who joined the group who are not still alive. Two were in their final days after being pretty much destroyed by chemo and/or radiation and one only followed the protocol for less than two months before listening to his oncologist who told him it would not help him - after which he proceeded to live over a year past his oncologist's predictions.
You are right, cancell has had some impressive success. I have taken a pretty good look at it myself, though not nearly as in depth as you surely have. I was impressed with the results it has compared to a great many other approaches and I have nothing against it other than the fact that it is not compatible with the approach I recommend. If anyone opts for it they should be advised to follow the protocol exactly for the best chances of success and to not combine it with other items or protocols.
Hello Tony,
I see you are doing good work and helping a lot of people so please don’t take my reply as having any disrespect whatsoever. Also I believe oleander to be an excellent treatment for many conditions.
Is there even the simplest list of patients for this 70% success rate for oleander? I doubt it. I bet that 70% is based on an impression. My Cancell study includes all people who contacted me for Cancell ordering information when my web site required that during the time when I had the only web site about Cancell. It is most significant that I found it impossible to have only two groups of cancer patients. I thought that I could simply have successes and failures. Even a study as simple as mine eventually had eight different groups of out come. So when someone simply says they had a 70% success rate and doesn’t even have four groups of results, I know this is only an impression. They are only guessing at their success rate. We are all forgetful when it comes to our failures.
Regarding the use of the your oleander forum to determine the success rate, I would like first qualify my answer. I have offered free alternative cancer treatment consultation via email for over ten years. During that time, I have found that people who do not successfully treat their cancer are extremely reluctant to say so. This is especially true of people using alternatives who prefer to remain hopeful up the very end. It is unlikely that even 10% of the failures of oleander were reported back to the forum.
With all of that said, Tony, I would like to thank you for your impressions and strong opinion of the effectiveness of oleander. I have been trying to decide to include it in my alternative treatment cancer Test Kit for some time. Due to your words, I have decided to do just that. It will take a few months, you can see that I collect the same extensive information for each of the cancer treatments I present and rate them in ten categories on my Comparison table , but it will eventually be included with the following treatments:
714x, Beta Glucan, Cantron, Cesium Chloride, Emulsified Vitamin A, Ellagic Acid, Essiac Tea, Hydrazine Sulfate, Laetrile B-17, Paw Paw, and Protocel.
Paul Winter
Actually, I have seen the documentation for Doctor Ozelle's success rates. It used to be published online, and I once had a copy of the chart, but that was ages and computers ago. However, I know a number of other people who have also seen the documentation. David Bonello of the Minnesota Wellness Directory for one. The fellow who devised the home remedy based on Ozel's patent is another. And so is Doctor Marc Swanepoel who devised his Sutherlandia OPC based on the home remedy and kept pretty close tabs on the cancer victims in South Africa which he keeps me updated on.
As far as my own oleandersoup Yahoo group of over 1100 members, I will agree that it is virtually impossible to pin down exact numbers. I wish there were more of me to go around and do followups. A very great many people join the group and simply get information without ever posting, though many do post of their successes as well as post while they are still in the midst of fighting their battles. What you almost never see is people post that it simply is not working and asking for advice on what else to try. Neither do you see many bouncing emails, which you would expect to see if a person had died and their email accounts been dormant for too many months. With all those numbers, I only know of three or four who may be struggling and each of them had a history of prior chemo. The three I know of who have ot survived thus far were two who had prior chemo and scant days or weeks left to live and one who only followed part of the protocol for less than two months.
Even so, I will grant you that I am relying in great part on impressions even though I think that the reasons for having the impressions I do are sound. Webster Kehr (the Cancer Tutor) has been following oleander and he is not easily impressed without good reasons. He has it rated among his top handful of cancer treatments. Oleander is not a panacea, but it is the best I have found. And I would add that it is likely not the best choice for someone who has less than at least a couple of months left as it does not work overnight. Some people have seen results in as little as two weeks, but for most it is more like two months or longer.
Speaking of impressions, we keep hearing that the Budwig protocol has a success rate of over 90%. I think that once you get past all the qualifiers they use (no prior chemo, have to be on the plan so long, must follow it to the letter, etc.) that number is still an impression. I note that the Flaxseed Oil group on Yahoo which has over 4600 members has bragged that they have 16 success stories from this past year. Only 16 out of 4600? Even given the problems of getting good information in a group like I outlined above, that does not sound like 90% to me! And I love the Budwig flaxseed and cottage cheese and recommend it as part of my suggested protocol, but not as a standalone treatment. That to me is just leaving too many other good bullets out of your gun.
I'm glad to see you will be including oleander in your kit. Maybe you could elaborate a bit on how your kit works over in the cancer forum?
All the best,
Thank you for your thoughtful reply and especially your offer to collaborate on oleander information. Presenting a new treatment on my web site in the form that allows people to compare apples to apples is a lot of work, any help would be great. I will contact you when I have collected what I can. Can you direct me to the best online oleander source you are aware of?
Paul Winter
Are you looking for an actual product sample? The only ones I am aware of (Sutherlandia OPC and Cansema Tonic III) are not 100% oleander. Or would you rather have an oleander extract that is 100% oleander such as the patented medicine version in Honduras (Anvirzel) and the home remedy version based on that? And how much would you need?
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