If anyone is still looking at this, that is true because large intestine is part of the lung system which is in the Metal or Air Element. Metal also includes the skin, immune system, nose, and sense of smell. Metal is the interface between inside and outside and is responsible for flowing concentrated energy in and waste out and these are the main organs of purification. The season is Fall.
I'm a healer and am finishing healing my own emphysema - now completely off steroids and just walked a mile without getting out of breath for the first time in 2 years. I act as a bridge for grace and do grace isopathic remedies at cost and free prayers. Contact me if interested. Link to my white paper with 20 case studies: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ekzc2rc3hb4fgf0ud4sf0/CRT8.65.pdf?rlkey=kijzkryl309urowxqhk2762gk&st=eu0v5i7h&dl=0