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I am a cancer survivor, author, and alternative health publisher (since 1989). I have been a field engineer working on jet aircraft, an avionics systems engineer, and a technical writer for about ten years each. Technical writing requires an understanding of complex material and an ability to clearly present it. This makes me a perfect candidate to explain cancer treatments to laymen.

Currently, I live in the Sedona area of Arizona and practice various healing arts, including hypnosis and the LIFE Quantum Biofeedback or more correctly a radionics machine.

In 1989, after half a lifetime of interest in alternative medicine, I decided to combine my information presentation skills with my passion for alternative medicine. I started publishing alternative health booklets and sold them through health magazines and local stores.

In 1997, as the result of some reading I had done, I obtained the National Cancer Institute (NCI) test results that proved NCI had lied about Cancell. As I often do, I thought about my sister who died 25 years ago due to complications from taking chemo. She was only 35. It was and continues to be the low point of my life. I turned my sorrow into motivation to help prevent this type of tragedy. So I started the Cancell Home page which has grown into which is the number one alternative cancer web site according to Google and most search engines. 
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