Thank you VERY MUCH positive mind, as a matter of synchronicity I had just begun taking castor oil.
I will intro the DE today.
Again, so appreciate your assistance!
Here's how to make her stop, and how to build a fire under the Georgia legislature to enact a law to prevent what you are going through.
Write a letter to her explaining that in order to clear yourself of the false charges she has made against you that you propose that both of you take a lie detector test to see who is telling the truth. The loser pays for the test, and has to make a public statement, either owning up to the charges she has made, or she admitting that she lied. Copy of this letter will be sent to the the child services, police, legislature along with another letter of explaination to each party expaining how this lie has affected your life. [friends and family treating you differently, being depressed, etc.
The important part is these have to be documented. The way to do that is to send them Certified mail. The recipient has to sign for them, so they can't say they didn't get the letter. Each has it's own Identifying number that you will type at the bottom of each, that will match up to the number on your certified receipt for each. These certified letters have a small fee over and above just postage.
Use your imagination on which way to go from here. If she doesn't respond one way or another in X number days, you will do, bla, bla, bla.
Hard to say how this will move the lawmakers, but she will be on notice, and you will have proof of your attempt to clear yourself.
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