I was wary but kept reading about lugol's
I finally ordered
Lugol's on line (and selenium)
did a few salt flush/bromide cleanse to prepare. I took 3 grams of C with each flush which can help.
in pouring the
Lugol's into a smaller bottle, I spilled a few drops on counter. (really stains put something under bottle so your counter doesn't stain) the best results (better than thyroid meds) has been 'painting' my thyroid with betadine (contains iodine) so I used the spilled drops to paint my thyroid and put only one drop in a big glass of water (important to drink a lot of water!) I think what I painted my throat with (those extra drops) must have given me a big boost.
wisdom told me start slow with one drop of
Lugol's in a big glass of water.
Well, ZOWIE!!!! I had energy like I haven't had in ages all day. I was just jumping somersaults inside and put on music and danced around the house as I cleaned. WOW.
had a sudden exhaustion after work was over and actually went to sleep earlier than I have in ages (chronic insomnia, fibro, neuropathy, etc etc)
woke up with energy today @ 6:30am (that never happens- I wake up every 2 hours but when I finally get up it's with pain and effort and fog and can't function til I have coffee)
I listened to the birds sing and enjoyed the gift of the morning for the first time in years.
this is big.
I've struggled w. low thyroid and many symptoms since some near fatal injuries years ago. last couple years symptoms have gotten much worse. was taking armour thyroid and eating right and supplements but they took armour off the shelf a few years ago and reformulated it and slowly realized it hasn't worked at all for me since. So went to dr and got blood work and they said my levels were off the charts and had to take 200mg. of synthroid. (that's a high dose if you don't know) well, I took it a few days and almost had a heart attack (seriously) my hair started falling out - a few weeks later, my fingernails started getting ridges and bumps and breaking off and toe nails, too. also some painful and itchy skin conditions. (felt very alone when all this happened- the dr. wasn't helpful -it's like their 2 modalities are: 'take this medicine or go to the emergency room'. I because fixed in my resolve to wake up and strengthen my thyroid with out all the side effects that big pharma peddles. so I weaned off synthroid back on to armour all the while feeling constantly tired with no relief.
everything a cloud of aches and pains and exhaustion.
until this morning I couldn't have typed this much.
lugol's works.
hopes this helps someone. thanks to all who posted on this forum. very grateful for your wisdom along the way.