oooooooo - fishing downstream of a cemetery.
If it were me, I would immediately start putting plenty of colloidal silver in the cat's drinking water, begin giving the cat inositol/IP6 and oleander extract (either homemade or in supplement form) and make up a topical ointment using oleander extract, iodine, colloidal silver and DMSO. Try to find some oleander leaves (and flowers if present this late in the year) on a plant that has not had pesticides applied to it and then follow the instructions here:
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
Here is the formula for a very good topical ointment:
For a basic oleander skin cream, slowly boil the original brew down to a light syrup, condensing the liquid and making it thicker at a less than boiling temperature. Mix the final syrup with an aloe based hand cream, using one part oleander syrup to three parts hand cream. Used regularly, Dr. Ozel’s patent says this is a good topical cream for pre-cancerous skin cells, age spots, moles, and psoriasis.
For a truly superior skin cream, use ozonated olive oil instead of the hand cream, add in some concentrated (via boiling or evaporation) quality colloidal silver, iodine and several drops of DMSO. A word of caution: be sure to store the skin cream in a glass or ceramic container and be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before applying the skin crème. DMSO is a powerful penetrant. It will dissolve ordinary plastic containers and it will also take anything on the surface of your hands and skin deep inside with the skin cream.
Note: oleander skin cream is not like the zinc based black salves, which are faster acting, but can also be quite caustic. For the oleander based skin cream to be effective, it much be applied two to three times daily consistently and one must be patient as it may take a couple of months or longer to completely resolve the issue being addressed.
In addition, you might try alternating the above ointment with a paste made up of baking soda and water, as baking sode has had success against cancers it can come into direct contact with.
Colloidal silver and inositol/IP6 have both been very successful in getting rid of tumors in pets and oleander has had success against just about all kinds of cancers.
Please note that the oral doseage for a cat should be much smaller than for your average 150 pound human. I would start out with perhaps 1/8 or less of a teaspoon of the homemade extract or 1/16 of a capsule of the commercial supplement once a day and then gradually increase it up to perhaps one to two teaspoons per day of the extract or 1 capsule a day as tolerated.
Good luck with your kitty. Fourteen years old tells me that you have been a caring and good provider and companion.
I would order either Utopia Silver colloidal silver or Mesosilver - they are the only true colloidal silver products I know of. Since time may be of the essence, I would get whatever your local health/supplement store has and use it until the good stuff arrives. Just use more of it. Kelp is OK, but it does not contain nearly as much iodine as say Lugols (or better still a combo of SSKI and Magnascent),
The Alpha Omega salve may work fine - they make good stuff for the most part, imo. It is likely to be painful though and you will need to shave your cat around the tumor so that you can cover and tape up the tumor with a bandage after applying the black salve.
You may wish to take a look at this as well:
Though it is written specifically for dogs, it also applies for the most part for cats as well (and it includes notations where items that are OK for dogs are not OK for cats - such as garlic for example).
I hope that your cat has enough time left and that all works out well:
I am not sure about the iodine doseage - you might try asking Trapper about that. As far as colloidal silver, you can give plenty of it especially over the short term. If it were me I would give several tablespoons per day in the drinking water. Other pet owners report that their pets prefer water with colloidal silver over plain water and they also report that their pets have renewed energy and friskiness such as they have not seen for years. The combination of colloidal silver, inositol/IP6 and oleander extract appears to be a very good one for pets as well as humans. Again, start off with very tiny amounts of oleander and gradually work your way up.
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