Thank you very much for a quick reply. I was wondering if it's not going to be too painfull for my kitty. But the type of the paste I got is specially formulated for cats, dogs and horses. The AlphaOmega Labs wrote me that it is not as strong as human type and got some special enzymes in it just in case animal will lick it, but still I was looking for a second opinion, and thank you for your help. I went to the vet today and after the basic examination I was told that there are probably more tumours in her belly and maybe in lungs, as she breath very deep. They tried to take some blood for test but she got so stressed out that she could not breath so they didn't get any blood and gave her some oxygen to calm down. She is strickly indoor cat so visit to the vet was stressfull enought for her. I just wanted to know if she is in any pain. They checked her temperature and it was normal, the doc said that it means that she probably isn't in any pain yet. Got some high nutritious food for her from the vet, as she is not eating well. Thanks again for all your help.