I know it's very naughty, but I can't help wondering how many practising cataract surgeons, who continue to hypocritically extal the virtues of cataract surgery, have had the surgery themselves? How many have lost their natural lens, and now got IOLs?
And what about top ophthalmologists at international conferences who pompously lecture spellbound audiences on their surgical techniques? How many of them, and their audience? Not to mention all those researchers at all those universities studying the mechanism of cataract for the last 50 years, whose discoveries never saved a single cataract sufferer from the knife - not even one - yet smiling at us like Cheshire cats in those charming group photos, all decked out in their white lab coats, on their websites. How many of them have lost their natural lens to the knife?
It rather tempts me to say, before I succumb...I think you, Doctor, should have the surgery first.
After you, Doctor...
Hi All ~ I have another post on here where some wonderful people (Tartufospeck & Solaris) have identified the *secret* ingredient in a highly successful candida protocol seemingly only known by Dr. Jennifer Daniels.
You can read my other post on this here:
So, the secret ingredient is Oil of Turpentine, which is super cheap and accessible to all of us.
The Candida Cleaner by Dr Jennifer Daniels http://curezone.com/upload/PDF/The_Candida_Cleaner_by_Dr_Jennifer_Daniels.pdf
It's also called Pine Resin. Read more on the history of Pine Resin here:
I've combed the web for the ways in which it should be used to eradicate candida, but have only come up with generalizations such as this:
Medicinal elixir:
Turpentine and petroleum distillates such as coal oil and kerosene have been used medicinally since ancient times, as topical and sometimes internal home remedies. Topically it has been used for abrasions and wounds, as a treatment for lice, and when mixed with animal fat it has been used as a chest rub, or inhaler for nasal and throat ailments. Many modern chest rubs, such as the Vicks variety, still contain turpentine in their formulations.
Though internal administration of these toxic products is no longer common today, it was once administered by masking the taste by dosing sugar cubes, molasses, or honey, or when unavailable, straight. It was touted as treatment for intestinal parasites due to its alleged antiseptic and diuretic properties, and a general cure-all.
Okay, so, bottom line, can anyone figure out what type of protocol might make sense?
According to several things I've gleaned from an interview with Dr. Daniels, the following things make sense to me:
There is either a 4 day or 4 step prepaton time before taking the turpentine oil. I am guessing this involves lots of bowel cleansing and lowering all sugar/grain intake and drinking a TON of water to reduce toxins and die-off after taking the turpentine. She mentions that you must be going to the bathroom 3+ times per day...so this says to me that the physical removal of candida, as much as you can do on your own BEFORE the turpentine oil, is KEY.
Also, it is mentioned that you do not have to take much turpentine oil and you should not take a higher does than she recommends either.
On several forums, it is mentioned briefly that people remember their grandmother's giving them a few drops of turpentine on a sugar cube to cure what ailed them. The turpentine-candida protcol DOES involve sugar, from what I'm told, so I also wonder if that's the dosage -- a few drops with sugar..or honey etc?
So, slow and steady wins the race?
Also, I'm sure that it's the pure gum spirits that are used....I also wonder if the many essential oils of Pine available would work just as well?
If anyone knows ANYTHING else about this protocol, please let us all know. Thank You !!!
The 24 page interview with Dr. Jennifer daniels is here...maybe you'll get more clues than I did !!!
The Candida Cleaner by Dr Jennifer Daniels http://curezone.com/upload/PDF/The_Candida_Cleaner_by_Dr_Jennifer_Daniels.pdf
OH MY God !!! Solaris...you are the QUEEN of all internet researchers...really !!
How did you find this???
Are you using the same internet I am?? hahahaha
Solaris !!! I don't either & it's because I've been sick for 18+ months with this crap. WE WILL both have our lives back...We really, really will!
You are an absolute peach...don't let this stuff get you down!!! Email me anytime to say hi or to get the files I mentioned:
I am sure prior to the terpentine treatment(steps 1-4) you have to go on some type of cleanse/ liquid fasting to totally expose the candida. Probably Clean the intestines/colon of mucus for 5-6 days to totally expose the candida. Then you hit it with the turpentine protocol. It might be a good idea to get a colonic/do enemas prior to the treatment to clear out the colon.
Its interesting that he recommends granulated sugar and no other sweetner to be added to the turpentine. For some reason granulated sugar must bond to the terpentine better than other sweetners?
Jameskep37 -- Yes, you are exactly right -- a low fat. raw vegan diet is mentioned also...consuming NO oil and only getting small amounts of fat naturally occurring in small amounts of avocado etc. Plus, I'm sure eliminating animal foods speeds things up also. I'm going to do some salt-water flushes, since it's the only thing that works quickly and doens't involve drinking the awful psyllium....ugh....cannot stand that stuff!
I've been freezing castor oil capsules that I make myself....I had read this was a good way to suffocate parasites...so, hoping it suffocates candida too.
Plus, I may go back to taking diatomaceous earth....it's really cheap, easy to drink and makes me go the bathroom a lot....my symptoms did not seem greatly improved, but I only did it for 10 days and it did seem like I was more empty inside than usual....plus, it's supposed to be a great cleanser for ridding us of mucous etc.
I am posting the actual text of the document that Solaris11 found, just in case the link goes dead at some point.
Just want to be sure that people in the future can read the protocol....yeah, like a time-capsule kinda thing! :-)
Below that is the link to both the Siberian Cleanse (Pine Nut Oil) and the source I found for pure gum resin of turpentine.
I'm trying to make this as definitive, concise and up to date as my
experience will allow.
This is blunt. The whole protocol is blunt. I mean this protocol kills
disease like "killin' snakes" as we say here. This is for people who really
want to get well and are not in love with their diseases and conditions.
Do NOT do this if you have known kidney problems.
"You" simply means me and is only a figure of speech. I'm talking to myself
here and what anyone else does is their own business.
I'm not going to rehash how to identify all possible variations of
turpentine out there. It must be made from wood, NOT petroleum. It should be
made from pine, not other light woods, but any wood turpentine will do for
starters. Pure pine turpentine works MUCH better, as I just found out 4-5
hours ago. I will not discuss the new pine source publicly, you must contact
me off group for that. Please do not post the source publicly.
Turpentine kills disease so fast that you WILL HURT from taking it and you
will have die-off effects. Always skip a day between doses.
Maximum dose is 2 teaspoons inside of 7 days.
Turpentine MUST BE TAKEN ON GRANULATED SUGAR. Do not argue. No other
sweeteners. Don't ask and don't do it. Don't use powdered sugar. Don't use
large grain raw sugar because it won't absorb the turpentine.
If you are really sick you can start with brown sugar because it will not be
as effective as on white sugar. However for maximum effect it has to be
taken on WHITE SUGAR. Don't ask, don't argue, just do it. After you get
comfortable taking it on brown, you have to switch to white sugar. There is
also merit to the idea of starting this with Wood turpentine since its
effects are not as strong as good pine turpentine.
Sugar cubes are ok to start with but quickly become a problem to chew and
swallow at larger doses.
There must ALWAYS be some dry sugar after you add the turpentine to it. If
your sugar is completely soaked with turpentine sprinkle more sugar on it
until some stays dry.
Always wash it down with pure water, nothing else.
You can start out taking it after eating a small meal to help defray any
initial nausea from any disease in the stomach lining. You must however
mover towards taking it on a totally empty stomach 8 hours minimum after
It matters how sick you are to start with. If you are quite ill, you should
start with a DROP. You stay at a dose until you no longer feel effects, two
drops, then 3 and so on, then 1/8 teaspoon, then 1/4, then 1/2 and finally
one full teaspoon.
Put sugar on a large spoon, add turpentine on to the sugar. When you get to
full teaspoon doses you may need a large serving spoon.
When you get to the serious end of this, using full teaspoons of turpentine
on white sugar on a totally empty stomach, do not eat for at least 2-3 hours
after taking it, but you can drink hot liquids. However, be aware that hot
liquids will then potentiate the fumes that are still rumbling around in
you. It's all over in a few hours. Turpentine is fully metabolized and
excreted in 20 hours.
Sometimes you will have chemical-smelling BM's afterward. It is assumed this
is die-off, particularly aldehydes from fungus. Especially in the early days
of doing this you may get kidney aches. Govern yourself accordingly. Back
off, drink lots of water and take sodium bicarbonate.
There are many detox protocols that go well with this, taken no sooner
though than 12 hours after a dose so as not to clean out the turpentine too
soon. We have found that following up with oral MSM or DMSO go well with
this but do NOT take them with the turpentine. It needs no help. It would be
wise to have done an MSM and/or DMSO detox first.
Do I need to say don't do this with any scrip drugs in your system? I hope
I did check, and it'll be about 107 bucks, with shipping to get a 16oz (500ml) bottle of the Siberian Pine Nut Oil. If it works, then it's worth it for sure.
The thing is, according to the protocol Solaris found, that person says to just use the turpentine oil (undiluted) with sugar...and for whatever reason, they do not want the *source* of it posted publicly?
They said that pure pine turpentine works the best >
I'm goin to start with the most economical way, and if I get results, I will continue...otherwise, off to Siberian-Cleanse Land!
Oh Joy ! Found another post by the same *daddybob* that shared the turpentine protocol and turns out, he is CURED!!!
He shares a link to an active Yahoo group that we can join and get the full story and experiences etc.
Sounds as though the PDF files they share in the group are a labor of love...NOW that's I'm talking about!
No expensive secrets...just helping each other heal !
I'm super happy !!!
"I'm playing catch-up after getting back home and canning corn, okra and tomatoes.
Anyone who wishes to learn more about my experience with turpentine should
join my group:
Not trying to gain members or followers, just don't have as much time to post all across a lot of groups like I used to.
Also don't have time to rehash everything I've gone through and learned since I started experimenting with turpentine in late May. If you join the group and go to the files, look for the Turpentine file and you should find a pdf of all the turp discussions in June, and maybe from the very start, that was very diligently and thoughtfully compiled by Rowena Evans. She's planning to do the same for the July discussions.
My own experiment with it is drawing to a end because it has apparently done for me what nothing else ever did, finally get rid of just about everything that was making me sick. It as not been without drawbacks but I've mostly figured those out.
However, my wife is still using it and may be for some time. Same for at least one of my children. I will be posting about all that as time goes by.
This is NOT for anyone and everyone to rush into willy-nilly. This emerging protocol is so powerful that it will make you HURT. There is also a fine line between therapy and poisoning with turpentine. Caveat Emptor."
Tonight just as every night and daytime, my mind recycles negative thoughts. I am so used to this constant humming in the background that I am not aware of it.
Awareness is enough. And it seems you are aware of it. It is no more complicated than that. The negative thoughts are not your thoughts. They have been implanted from the outside... they come from your past. The past is no more. They are shadows of the past. Simply watching them... being aware that it is a habit... it is enough. Does it make sense to fight with one's own shadows? If you start fighting with these thoughts, as if they are real, then you give them more juice. Simple awareness (without saying this thought is bad, or that thought is good), and over time, they will slowly but surely lose their grip on you. True freedom comes as a consequence.
Keep on keeping on...
This is a very important step in your healing journey, the decision to "let go" of all negativity. I made the same decision once, telling myself that from this moment on, I would only acknowledge positive thoughts, that my outward actions would only be positive. How do you handle negative thoughts? When you notice them do not give them importance, shrug them off and then just "let them go" replacing them with positive thoughts. The emotional freedom technique (EFT) will also help you during this process.
My best to you,
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