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Re: Candida Protocol with Turpentine - Help Solve the Mystery!
JacquelineElizabeth Views: 56,195
Published: 11 y
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Re: Candida Protocol with Turpentine - Help Solve the Mystery!

Essiac tea (4 herbs only - the Rene Caisse original recipe) is producing great results so far for every symptom I have! I have only taken 3oz, 3 times yesterday, which is the max. dose for severe cancer and a 5 month protocol. I feel it working in my body. I will continue Turpentine for 8 wks more and lufenuron for the rest of the 45 days protocol, even though these 2 products produce no genuine die off or even slightly noticeable improvements so far. On a non-scientific level I have feelings of repulsion for some reason for these 2 products and if my body could talk it feels like it would say "I hate this stuff. This is ridiculous. Must I really take this ? Gross and stupid. It better not hurt me. I can't wait until these 'protocols' are over." But I feel like I love the Essiac tea and can hardly wait to take it again. I hope this info helps at least one other person, even if just a little bit. I've had yeast and then fungal problems since birth and I am another one of those who has tried so many different things for decades and so far it has cost me a normal life, career, family, friends and upwards of at least $100,000 cash. People who know me don't fully understand how yeast can be so debilitating, as though its merely limited to toenail fungus, jock itch or v. yeast infections or end-stage AIDS.


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