Look into Gluten sensitivities
You fasted and everything was good. Then you experience Gut problems and Digestion problems.
The fast would be Non Gluten whether you thought about it like that,or not.
After the fast, the problems.
Make sense?
You don't have to be celiac for gluten to be a big problem.
I posted this article about 4 days ago, check it out.
Good luck whatever you decide.
I was diagnosed about two years ago with Lichen Planus. It manifested itself primarily on my arms and legs, also on my tongue and on my penis. I visited a homeopathic doctor and was very pleased with the progress. It disappeared from the arms and legs.
However, it remains stubbornly on the penis and I am feeling very frustrated by this. It makes no sense. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful.
Thanks a lot.
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