...my eyes are full of this sort of ”fungal” critter..
...vitreous of eye is pretty much a fungal soup.. ....
...my eyes are full of this sort of "fungal" critter..
...vitreous of eye is pretty much a fungal soup..
it's bad enough to make looking down the eyepiece
of a microscope somewhat problematical..
....staring at the bright light of the tungsten
substage illuminator really highlights the eye fungus.
...I have had my eye's examined TWICE..by
"one of the top ten eye surgeons in NJ"..only to
be blown off..
"it's just floaters..everyone gets them"...
I show him photo's of fungal forms that match what I
am seeing..."naw..just floaters..floaters can look
just like fungus and stuff".
...I suspect that I could have tiny coral snakes swimming
inside my eye..and would get the same response..
"..eh..just floaters..perfectly normal".
..yeah..anything that "floats" past your field of
vision is just.."a floater".
..just another over educated loafer that wants
nothing to do with sorting out this mystery.
...the last waste of time visit with an eye surgeon
was over two years ago..
now..I have the "fungal forms"..and
the run of the mill "morg fibers" and "fiber tangles"
annoying the crepe out of me.
...and when the eyes "night adapt"..they never really
go totally dark..both eyes have a "slightly lighted"
area in the center of the field of view..and both
eyes are displaying EXACTLY the same irregular..mostly
round outline..which tells me that the phenomena
is based in the "visual processing" area of the brain.
not the eye/retina itself. I now try to sleep with a
very low level of light in the room..so that this
subtle but very irritating phenomena is washed out by
the ambient light in the room.
..really need to get the blown out teeth pulled..I suspect
that an infection of the roots that remain has transited
to the optic nerve..to the brain.
**I was surprised to find out how close the nerves
of the teeth are to the optic nerve..aha..
so THAT'S how people with bad teeth go blind..
**other optical phenomena: all light sources
tend to have a "halo". There is so much microscopic
"crap" in the eye..that light is being refracted..inside
the eye...forming the "halo" around point light sources.
...streetlights..car lights..the LED on the keyboard...