Chromium is the most important since a lack of chromium does decrease insulin sensitivity. And chromium polynicotinate is the best. You can start on the picolinate until you can find the polynicotinate. Recommended dose is 200mcg 3 to 4 times daily. Vandadyl sulfate has also been shown to help open insulin receptors, while reducing blood glucose. Recommended dose here is 20mg 3 times daily. And the herb gymnema sylvestre has been shown to not only block a lot of the sugar we ingest from being absorbed, but also to increase insulin sensitivity. The herb should be taken about 20 minutes before meals to allow it time to lock up glucose receptors.
After reading around I found that in some people chromium can lower blood sugar levels even further. It made me feel worse so I had to stop taking it.
Chromium does not lower blood sugar directly. Chromium is required from the proper function of insulin receptors. It the insulin receptors are not working properly then the insulin still grabs a hold of the glucose, but the insulin cannot carry it out the blood properly, which is where the term "insulin resistance" comes from. Therefore the chromium opens up the insulin receptors to allow insulin to do its job properly.
If the blood sugar is dropping below normal then there is likely a problem of chronic hypoglycemia, which is actually an adrenal issue.
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